What people are saying.

  • “We were surprised to tears every day and this made us want to do even more.”

    — Parents of 7 year old. Autism diagnosis. Preverbal.

  • "She used to scribble everywhere but now she is trying to make perfect circles and sometimes she succeeds too."

    — Mother of 4 year old. Speech delay.

  • “At the playground she ordered herself a strawberry slushie with very clear words.”

    — Mother of 4 year old. ASD. Social and communication.

  • “We have been to two speech therapies but there was not much result. He hardly understood speech. Now he understands most things I am saying to him. ”

    — Mother of 3 year old. Language delay.

  • "He is making up jokes and is 'lying' a little bit now, he is really coming out of his shell 🙈"

    — Mother of 5 year old. Phonological speech disorder. Severe stutter.

  • "She will instigate an activity on the playground and join in with the group from the secondary class next door."

    — Teachers of 14 year old. Global developmental delay and speech delay [no words].

  • "I'm noticing sounds around me more than usual, lovely things like birdsong. I found myself whistling in a way I haven't done for decades, and really enjoying the sounds."

    — Adult. Self-reported sound sensitivity.

  • "He really does seem to be experiencing sounds differently. He has a much greater tolerance for noises that would have really distressed him before."

    — Mother of 8 year old. Extreme sound sensitivity.